"Happiness in the world".
She was the sole exception to that statement.
Not because she could not see it, nor because she could not find it,
but because she could not feel it.
She, as many did, wanted either to fit in or stand out.
She, as many did, wanted either to fit in or stand out.
She attempted both and failed.
With her strong spine and her enthusiasm, she smiled upon the cutest romances around her,
just as she did when she found beauty in tragedy.
She seemed to see beauty in even the saddest of situations,
but yet she could not see the beauty within herself.
Perhaps that was her downfall.
Perhaps that was her fate.
Wether or not there existed beauty within her or any happiness for her to feel, is a question to go unanswered.
She is a soul without a name.
...All that is left of her are remains for the crows to pick at.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ஜღ Silent Lullaby of a Lonely Butterfly ღஜ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
reading these poems makes me feel sad for the two of you, u both obviously have talent and inner beauty to be able to write such insightful stories, yet it seems as if no one has ever told u this...and sometimes even the strongest of us needs to hear how great we really are...so here goes, ure poems are awesome so i guess that mean by default so are the both of you, dnt let anyone ever tell u otherwise:P